Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Thanks for journeying with us .   It is hard to convey the whole of such a unique experience.  We hope that we have done that in some way.  And thank you to all of you who, although you didn't come with us physically, you supported  us by giving financially to the projects, and you held us up in prayer.  A special thank you to those of you who committed to praying every day for us; we  felt your prayers!  And most of all, praise to God for His ongoing work of love & redemption in our lives, in Thailand, and in the world.


Back in March of 2012 when I first publicly mentioned the idea of a CPC Missions Trip to Thailand, I secretly hoped that at least 6 or 8 people would be interested in going. It seemed like there was interest but interest alone does not always translate into action.  And then people started to mention that they would like to come. First 6, then 8 then 12 and finally 17! Ah yes, but when it comes to pay, surely some will lose interest. Well, we ended up with 18 wonderfully diverse people going.

I had never led a missions trip (or even gone on one) so it was a steep learning curve for me. But, with support from John Best of MB Missions, we managed to line everything up.

Several things really impressed me about this trip. First is the support, encouragement and prayers of our home congregation, Cedar Park. When we requested donations, they came in. We were able to take 17 extra suitcases of supplies to our missionaries and the orphanage we visited. When we requested prayer partners, everyone received commitments from multiple people willing to pray for them on a daily basis while in Thailand. Second was the leadership in Thailand, starting with the leadership of Dave and Louise and that of the Thai and Burmese pastors. MB Missions, it seems to me, is doing missions the right way in Thailand and that is bearing fruit. Third is the extent to which a few dollars can be stretched to accomplish so much in Thailand. With less than $2,000 we were able to build a carport for Pastor Naat, paint the interior and exterior of the new Bethel church building and buy a new cell phone for Pastor Naat.

For me, there were many benefits that came from this trip, not least of which is a stronger sense of what it means to ‘do missions’ in Thailand, an appreciation and new relationship with those working in the field and new/deepened relationship with the 17 other wonderful people who experienced this adventure with me! Who will be coming on the next trip...

Carol H.
 I think it would be safe to say, that the trip to  Thailand was a life changing experience, and one we won’t soon forget. Some of us would love to go back, and maybe that is a very positive thought or ending. - Carol


Thailand, hmm...
Working alongside a builder that's instructing me in Thai and building a roof structure without a single piece of wood - how cool was that! Meeting our long term supported missionaries in person, seeing their ministries first hand and experiencing a glimpse of their passion was overwhelming. They really raise the bar in all missions standards and lets face it, aren't we all called into missions? Thanks for all the prayer from our church back home; God was at work in miraculous ways!!
 - Jonas Schierbecker

I have never experienced such poverty, both of money and spirit.  I was overwhelmed and over-joyed by the work I saw being done by Christian workers there.  I could witness first hand how the power of God's love was miraculously changing lives.  The people were transformed by love. Hearing stories of broken lives being made new through a decision to choose faith was very inspiring.  I am excited to see what God has in store for the future of Thais ministries and our involvement in that.  I pray that His word will continue to spread.
I was mostly so inspired by the example of the church leaders and missionaries in Chachoengsao. They are so whole-hearted in their work and looking for God in every part of their lives.  That's something I hope I will continue to grow in, now that I'm home.  It was so encouraging to see God using people no matter their background or education or abilities. - Emily

Allen:  When you ask what have I learned from this experience I can’t help to thank our MB Missions for their work in this country. They way that we do missions has struck a new appreciation in my mind. It is so encouraging to see our missionaries training local people to be presenters of the gospel to their own brother and sisters. It also gives me a new understanding of how we can support and encourage our missionaries. Global Missions has taken on a whole new meaning for me and I will support it in whatever way God leads me to. Supporting the fund raising to complete the Bethel Church, supporting fund raising for a young handicapped girl to complete high education or supporting the work at the Orphanage. The workers we got to know all have special projects and special needs and can use our prayerful support. As Christians I would encourage everyone to take the opportunity to do a short missions trip to see how our conference and our missionaries are equipping the people of the third world countries to bring Jesus Christ into their lives.
Carol S.
When I purchased the cake decorating supplies that were requested by the Thailand missionaries, I had no idea that I would become the go to expert on cake decorating and what that role would mean.
Whoever thought that decorating a cupcake could be part of a salvation story.  I know I’m not an evangelist, so I thank God that I could still be part of that process.  My heart has been touched and I continue to pray for the people that I crossed paths with. 

1.  TAKE A RISK: I had never been on a missions trip.  And if you had asked me where I might go if I was to go, I would have said Africa.  Always Africa.  Not Asia.  Not Thailand.  But somehow, when Cedar Park announced that a missions trip was being planned for Thailand, we felt that the Lord was leading us there. I eventually was excited about the prospect, but really had no idea what to expect.
In retrospect, it was way more than I could have imagined.  Most significantly, the Lord flooded my heart with love for the people.  The things that I imagined might be barriers were insignificant.  What mattered most  was sharing the Love of God with the people we were there to serve.  And in the process I was profoundly blessed.  So to others who have concerns/worries/hesitations about following where God is leading - I would say "Go for it". " God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
2.  CHOOSE TO SPEND LIFE ON THINGS THAT ARE OF ETERNAL VALUE:  I was also profoundly struck by how immensely satisfying it was to invest in things that mattered.  To be honest, I loved our week of vacation time at the end, but it was the time spent up north that was most meaningful.  "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39
(Ironically, Paul and I had actually won an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii... that was at the same time as the trip to Thailand.  We ended up having to forfeit the trip.  Any regrets?  Absolutely none.  I don't think it could have even come close to the privilege of our trip to Thailand.)
3.  THE BODY OF CHRIST IS AWESOME:  Working side-by-side with 17 other people from CPC was a great way to get to know them.  And it was really cool to see how God used everyone with their unique gifts, abilities, and experience.  We have a special bond now, which is precious.
Also, getting to know and work with our Thailand missionaries and the local believers was also a great privilege and joy, as was working with and getting to know the TREK team.

What the ‘Thailand trip’ meant to me and the things I learned:
     It would be impossible to say all the wonderful things I learned while in Thailand. The friendliness of the Thai people was heart-warming. They were so appreciative of any kindness shown to them. They were so passionate about God and how their lives had been transformed since accepting Jesus.   
The believers live with so much joy and hope. The Thai people were so hospitable – meals were served to us after all services.
     I was so inspired by the way they prayed, all at the same time and with such intensity and passion. The worship time was incredible! The Thai people prayed for believers all around the world. At our last service at the Bethel church they all gathered around our group and prayed for us. I found this to be an incredible experience!
     It was so exciting to pray for and then experience the spiritual birth of our 2 ‘sung tau’ drivers. While Pastor Naat shared the gospel with the men, we prayed and God was there in our midst. I could see the difference in the two men over the nine days we spent with them.
    I enjoyed spending time with children at Sandy’s house. The ESL lessons were fun and the kids were so receptive. They loved the art projects that Brenda, Josie and Jessica did with them. I was impressed by how the children listened to the Bible stories.
    Thailand is a country of contrasts, the wealthy living right alongside the poor. The scenery is beautiful! The power of God’s love is alive in Thailand! I’m so grateful to have been a part of Cedar Park’s Mission Trip!
    Truly a life changing experience!

"Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare."  
- Psalm 40: 5

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