Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The pose...

Well, here is our amazing team/motley crew :)  We are pooling our wide range of gifts, abilities, ages, experiences, frailties and foibles, and asking God to use us to love the Thai people, our hosts, and each other.  We are excited and humbled to have the privilege to go and work alongside the full-time missionaries there, and to get an opportunity to see what God is doing in that part of the world.  For many of us it will be our first time visiting in a developing country, and we are going with open hearts and hands... and will aim to be flexible, grateful, and teachable.

...and how we really feel about our trip!

We appreciate how incredible our home church, Cedar Park, has been in supporting and encouraging us.  Each of us has several prayer partners who have committed to praying for us every day.  We have also had generous donations of goods to bring along for  both the Thai people, and for our missionaries. (Who knew that KD was such a hot item?!)
Also, one of our group, Yvonne, (with the help of some others) has made two beautiful banners: one to be given to the Abundant Life Orphanage, and one for our brothers and sisters at the Thai Bethel Church.  Another of our church members, Lorrie, also donated a beautiful banner that she and her daughter Kristen made.  This one will go to the new church for the Burmese refugees.


Our verses from Louise: 

"I will go before you 
and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD, 
the God of Israel, 
who summons you by name."
Isaiah 45:2-3


  1. excited to hear about your journey! Praying for you all - blessings! - Priebe Family

  2. We have enjoyed following your journey on flight tracker and trust that everyone is doing well. Love and prayers to all, from the Voths
